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Government watchdog delayed

Government watchdog delayed

The defence and veteran suicide commission’s most important recommendation for an independent watchdog has been been delayed. On June 12, the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide announced it would not be able to meet its June deadline to release plans...
Keogh promises “many benefits” under new act

Keogh promises “many benefits” under new act

The landmark reform of the veteran entitlement acts “will have many benefits” for Nashos, according to Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Matt Keogh. It promises to create a new pathway to the Gold Card for some Nashos and better access to incapacity payments,...
Senator defends Gold Card backflip

Senator defends Gold Card backflip

Greens Veterans’ Affairs spokesperson senator David Shoebridge has defended his decision to stop pursuing an extension of the Gold Card for the Nashos of 1965 to 1972. Despite committing to push the case in federal parliament, he says it is no longer viable given...
Nashos axe Gold Card plans

Nashos axe Gold Card plans

Australia’s largest association representing former National Servicemen has stopped pursuing a Gold Card for the Nashos of 1964 to 72.  Nasho Fair Go campaigned heavily for the benefit as reparation for the damages of conscription, but the board was forced to...